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Wednesday 31 October 2012

Jay Chou's Execute variations Frank Lee

The Dec 27 launch THE GUILLOTINES (HUET DIK JI) last night revealed its concept songs. Through home Phil Lau Wai Keung, Jay Chou (Chow Kit Lun) and the film's celebrity Frank Lee Yuchun proved helpful together for initially. The movie concept songs COLDER BLADE EDGE is conducted by Lee Yuchun , songs by Chow Kit Lun and lines by Vincent Fang. Lee Yuchun organized on the night of Nov 11 to perform the international first appearance statement at her Insane Globe Trip Wuhan stop.

Chow Kit Lun as a movie concept songs designer was fortunate to become THE GUILLOTINES' first viewers. After the watching he sighed unlimited as the Guillotine crew's brotherly love and the vulnerability from having by the globe moved him. He instantly requested his buddy Vincent Fang and in a few days finished the songs for the home already.

Lau Wai Keung did not tell Lee Yuchun who the songs author was before enjoying the songs for her first. Lee Yuchun said, "A women speech conducted the trial. Old Pa (Lau Wai Keung) even kept who had written the songs from me! He surprisingly requested me how I sensed after hearing. As soon as the songs started, I was advised of my weeping landscape in the movie." Lee Yuchun valued Chair Chou's work, in particular the song's light doldrums pierced her as she created the two hour "fastest songs producing in history".

Before the producing, Lau Wai Keung even conducted video clips from THE GUILLOTINES for her, which allowed her to very quickly get into the feelings. Lau Wai Keung was very pleased with this concept songs and laughed that he was reluctant it would be even more popular than CHRYSANTHEMUM PAVILION. Lee Yuchun on her Nov 11 Wuhan show will perform COLDER BLADE EDGE for initially worldwide. The show viewers will not only be the first to listen to the concept songs but also get an unique unique COLDER BLADE EDGE single.


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