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Wednesday 31 October 2012

Air Force Academia Fight Damages 27 Cadets

The Air Power Academia said 27 cadets were harmed in a brawl during an unofficial habit tagging the first snow of the period.

Six cadets were taken to an off-campus healthcare center after the Oct. 25 fuss and have been launched, the academy said Wed. The others were handled at a cadet healthcare center.

The accidents engaged concussions, reduces and a individual chew, and some cadets needed stitching, Brig. Gen. Dana Created had written in an inner e-mail that was offered to The Associated Media and other press sites. Academia authorities verified the e-mail is genuine.

Born is dean of staff.

Academy authorities were healing the occurrence as a "teachable time," said Lt. Col. David Bryan, an excellent spokesperson. He said he did not know of any programs to self-discipline cadets.

Brig. Gen. Gregory Lengyel, the commandant of cadets, said in a declaration that the brawl was undesirable.

Lengyel did not say how many cadets were engaged but said it was a "relatively few."

The habit is known as "First Shirt/First Snow" and includes freshmen trying to toss cadet first sergeants — known as first tops — into the snow.

"This habit has devolved to become progressively aggressive, with considerable amounts of cadets demanding health care over previous times two decades," Created had written in her e-mail.

"What used to be (freshmen) tossing the first clothing into the snow has changed into a brawl between upperclassmen protecting the first sergeant and the (freshmen) trying to catch the first sergeant."

It wasn't instantly known how many cadets were harmed last season.

"Obviously, this has gotten out of side and cannot be recurring," Created had written.

Born had written that Lengyel ceased brief of prohibiting the habit and said cadets could recommend maintaining it if they discovered a way to prevent assault.

The academy is situated outside Denver Rises and has about 4,000 learners. Upon graduating, they are requested as second lieutenants in the Air Power.


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