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Friday 28 November 2014

Internet Is a Newer Technology In Business

In today's modern world the Internet Is a Newer Technology In Business has changed the way the world does business in the local and international level. how do businesses use the Internet very much. People have found a wide range of benefits for businesses. Many small and large companies have made use of the Internet in order to support their business. Even today everyone in the business online that make up the Internet as the main business.

Many companies, especially those applying online trading, has integrated their websites with back-office systems such as databases, accounting and stock control package and tracking their customers. This can reduce administrative costs and improve customer service by providing a quick and easy information about the progress of the order to the customer.

The existence of the Internet to break the boundaries of space and time. A company in Indonesia has the same opportunity to access the US market compared with companies in Europe, or even with companies in America. Keep in mind, the opposite (outside the company access to the Indonesian market) can also be done easily.

The loss of time and space constraints with the Internet opens up new opportunities to do work remotely. The term teleworker or teleworking began to emerge. A worker can perform the work of the house without the need to bother with traffic problems. All of the above shows the new opportunities in the new business technology with the Internet.

The following businesses are developed through the medium of the Internet:
  • Sell Products: If you have a product could create a simple web, then advertised via the Internet.
  • Sells Information: The product can be packaged in the form of an ebook and it is only a handful of people who know
  • Online Marketing: You can run the program as a reseller of other people through your website. A company can market a product or service without using traditional marketing techniques such as brochures, letters and newspaper advertisements.
  • Selling programs / software useful: If you are an expert computer programmer, then you can sell the software you made via the internet. For example, software to send classified ads to hundreds or even thousands of classified ads sites with just one click, etc.
  • Online Course: If you have expertise in the field of language, you can teach an online course through the website
  • If you are an author, then you can sell your work at the Online Bookstore
  • Web hosting and reselling web hosting packages, Sell domain names, Buy, develop and sell websites.
  • Build online communities such as forums, dating and social networking sites.
That all of the ides for business in new of technology. so nowadays we can be a rich and easy with internet to become a rich man. and we have to do this if we want develop our business, because internet is new business technology.


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