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Thursday, 27 November 2014

The Kind Of Informations Technology

To Understanding the true technology derived from the French language " La Teknique " which could be concluded with " all systems are done in an attempt to realize something with rational " . Inside this issue devoted to something that probably shaped objects or concepts , namely the rational restriction step is very important to understand here in such manufacture or realization of something that can be done repeatedly ( reps ) .

Technology in this sense can be known through the items , objects , or tools that successfully contrived by man to ease and simplify the realization of his life in the world . It also indicates which of the forms of creative works as well as works of art ( Greek techne ) of man as homo Technicus . From here comes the meaning of " technology " , which means knowledge learned about " techne " man .

However,  understanding of new shows one side only of the content of the word " technology " . actually becoming more limited technology creation of goods , objects or instruments of man as homo or homo faber Technicus . Moreover technology has become a system or arrangement within the human existence in the world .

Technology is no longer limited as a result of the creativity that is in power and human excellence , but moreover he had become a standing outside of human strength , which in turn is then formed and created another one of human communication .

Technology also studied the application of scientific and engineering to develop the strength of the specific steps and techniques in the field . Technology is the application of science and engineering to develop machines and procedures in order to expand and make improvements human situation or at least make improvements in some aspects of human efficiency .

An the kind of Information technology are :
  1. Computer
  2. Notebook
  3. Netbook
  4. Tablet
  5. Televisions
  6. Radio
  7. Newspaper
  8. Mp3 Player
  9. Videoplayer
  10. Digital Camera
  11. Calculator
  12. Handphone
  13. Email
There are many kinds of technology. we can use them right now and get data more than a thousand years ago.


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